Saturday, 24 November 2007



by Alan Stang
November 24, 2007

By now you know that the administration of Communist world government terrorist Jorge W. Boosh recently conducted raids on the Liberty Dollar people in Indiana and on a mint in Idaho. The Liberty Dollar is – was – a gold or silver medallion, or a certificate backed by those precious metals, and the Boosh FBI conducted the raid because the corporations that control the Federal Reserve toilet tissue couldn’t stand the competition.

Remember that the Federal Reserve System is illegal, because the Act that created it gives control of the nation’s money to those private entities, which Congress, under the Constitution, has no power to do. It is illegal for Congress to usurp power it does not have; it is just as illegal for Congress to give its power away. The paper “currency” the Fed issues is a fraud on its face, because it is not federal, there is no reserve and it is not a note. A note is a promise to pay, and the “Federal Reserve Note” promises to pay nothing.

It is nothing more than a piece of paper with fancy printing on it, and has exactly the same status as a hot check that local businesses accept only because they don’t know the bank hasn’t caught up with it yet. Gresham’s Law says bad money drives out good, but here the criminals recognized that good would drive out bad, because however dumbed down Americans are in the country’s Communist schools, they still understand that a chunk of gold or silver is more valuable than a piece of paper with numbers on it, the size of the palm of your hand, that is intrinsically good for only one thing.

The thieves apparently stole not just a mountain of precious metals; they also stole all the records, all the files and computers, so the Liberty Dollar company has no way of knowing who owns what and cannot even communicate with the customers who have been robbed. Indeed, they even stole the telephone manuals, so the company cannot reformat the phones. Needless to say, they froze the company bank accounts.

That’s what happened in Indiana. In Idaho, they stole even more gold and silver from the mint that makes the Liberty Dollars, where Liberty Dollar customers store their holdings. The mint is an entirely separate business that Liberty Dollar does not own. What does that tell you about the safety of your “safe” deposit box? Wasn’t one of FDR’s “solutions” to the Fed’s Great Depression his theft of the people’s gold? Achtung! You are leaving der Western Sector!

When they had finished, the company was out of business. The attitude of federal thieves who perpetrate such robberies is, “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Sue us.” Of course, with no funds that is difficult to do, especially when the defendant can print bigger numbers on more pieces of toilet tissue to pay his lawyers.

The U.S. Mint recently announced that Department of Justice prosecutors say the use of Liberty Dollar medallions “as circulating money is a federal crime.” The government says that people who buy them “should be aware that they are not genuine United States Mint bullion coins and they are not legal tender." Of course the Liberty Dollar people do not claim the medallions are any such thing. BTW, the word “coin” is apparently federal property. You and I are forbidden to use it about anything flat and round made of gold or silver.

Could the development that precipitated the robbery be the delivery just a few days earlier of almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars? That works out to as many as 60,000 of them. Remember that Dr. No is the hero who wants to abolish the Fed. Throughout his twenty years in Congress he has argued for honest money. He is the only candidate for President in either party who addresses the subject. And, mirabile dictu, college students of all kinds are enraptured.

By the way, when I use the word “hero,” I am not talking about an entertainer who is paid millions of dollars a year to play a three-hour game every Sunday. I am talking about a man who risks everything, even his life, which I can assure you Dr. No is doing by daring to challenge the conspiracy for world government.

Imagine the effect had that mountain of Ron Paul Dollars been allowed to flow forth. Imagine people across the country using them as the medium of exchange to buy and sell, attractively designed, flat, round pieces of gold with the avuncular doctor’s face on every one. No presidential candidate has ever enjoyed such a campaign tool. The result would have been electrifying.

Yes, the robbery fallout itself will inspire his campaign, but nowhere near as much as the Ron Paul Dollar would have in circulation. Again I ask, did that obvious fact precipitate the crime? Probably the last thing Communist world government terrorist Jorge W. Boosh wants would be President Ron Paul, demanding that Congress abolish the Federal Reserve and the income tax. The script next year calls for President Hillaroid and her bull dykes or Rudy in drag.

The man who created the Liberty Dollar and made it a very profitable business is Bernard von NotHaus. Federal prosecutors, the mob under bosses who send out the FBI thieves, are talking about mail fraud and other serious charges that could send von NotHaus to prison for many years. “We have no money,” says von NotHaus. “We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed.”

When the uniformed crooks conduct such a raid, they take everything, which recalls the piece I did a while back about offshore financial planning. This is what I was talking about. In today’s world, in an America governed by rotating crime families that will do anything to preserve their monopoly, a company in a red flag business needs to prepare.

If you are in such a business, the first thing you need to do, at least, is make your doors as difficult to break in as possible. Many jewelers do that routinely, even keep their doors locked. You have to push a button and be eyeballed to get in. Of course you can’t keep the criminals out. The idea is to gain enough time to push the doomsday button, the big red one on your computer.

Remember that Hillaroid may have the machine, and Edwards may have the hair and B. Hussein Obama may have the color and female impersonator Giuliani may have Pat Robertson, but Dr. No has both the Constitution and the geeks. The doomsday button will be installed by a Ron Paul real money computer geek, with instructions to redo your software so that, when you push the doomsday button, everything instantly goes down.

When the thieves boot up your stolen computers downtown, nothing is there but Firefox. Indeed, you should develop the habit of hitting the doomsday button routinely at the close of business daily, just in case the ghouls elect to come at night. Each morning, you insert the necessary drives and boot up. Yes, all this can be arranged easily. Any geek worthy of the name can do it.

Why are the nerds with Dr. No? Because they know he is the only candidate who is sure to leave the internet alone. Government terrorists would like to shut the net down; they developed it so the labyrinthine entrails of the federal leviathan could communicate with each other, but it got out of control. They would like to shut it down or restrict it to their own use, but they don’t know how. And they fear the nerds, who could unleash fearsome retaliation. If they could hack the DOD mainframe, they could get in anywhere. Thank God for the nerds!

By the way, remember that we are by no means trying to impede a federal investigation. Not at all. You will take these precautionary steps only because of the present crime wave, especially the epidemic of industrial espionage. If federal authorities accidentally become impeded, because they come unannounced and unidentified like common criminals and try to break in, then of course we regret the misunderstanding and the fact that all the data are gone.

Government agents descended in this way many years ago on a national patriotic organization in Maryland. Because this apparently happened before the universal use of mobile phones, patriots had to fan out and surveil the approaches to the office, to head off the lady whose job it was to bring the data back every morning. They did find her in time, so the intruders got nothing.

Again, a while back I did a piece on offshore financial planning. Find it in my archives – go to and click on Offshore Financial Planning at the right edge – read it, and reconsider taking action. Consider: the conspiracy for world dictatorship and its flunky, Communist world government terrorist Jorge W. Boosh, could not be displeased when you go offshore – indeed, they should logically be enthusiastic – because going offshore is their own policy.

Isn’t it? They have sent everything else offshore: your jobs, your manufacturing, your military, your technical support, etc. Don’t you find yourself again and again these days talking to someone in India or the Philippines or Central America? Shouldn’t they now be ecstatic if you get into the spirit and send your money offshore? After all, they constantly condemn “isolationists” – that’s you – people who simply want to mind their own business. They constantly urge “internationalism” instead. Okay, get international. Far be it from us to get crossways with Communist terrorist Boosh. There’s a “big world out there.” Go offshore.

If you have never done it, be reassured. It isn’t nearly as forbidding as you may think. Start with a simple bank account. There are many banks in other countries as big and as sound as any in this country. Sounder. The Boosh administration is presently collapsing the dollar and preparing runs on U.S. banks, to create the usual “emergency” that would justify replacing the dollar with the “Amero,” the currency of the new North American Union that would include the former United States, Canada and Mexico.

Remember, it was your Intrepid Correspondent who devised the best name for the new country, Canusexico, which not only includes the names of the three former countries, but also cleverly includes sex, without which you really have no hope of selling anything. (That is why the North American Union falls on its face.)

Finally, in my experience offshore banks treat me like a customer, not a drug trafficker. Their tellers are not trained by the federal government to expect “money laundering.” Of course, were I to start snorting white powder in the bank, they could become curious, but since I don’t do that, they don’t. Start your offshore adventure by finding a reliable adviser .

Reprinted with explicit permission from Mr. Alan Stang.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

The World Hates God - John 7:7

I so completely HATE the world. Why? The world is 100% sin yesterday, today and more tomorrow. All those headlines, storylines of bad news - the evil that is rampant across our Country. And this is on the internet. I mean, no wonder I don't watch any TV news (local or national) - that's right. None! Do I ever glance at FNC? Oh yeah, once in a while. I take a peek once in a while. On occasion I get a blessing and hear something I once thought would be indicative of this then new network.

I completely love the Lord. There is no other choice. Either you love the world, hate the Lord; or hate the world and love the Lord.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

John 7:7
The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.

Why is the USSC, Federal Government, and varying states stomping on God-given rights in this Country? America was founded by God-believing men and God-fearing men. With the help of their co-conspirators (news networks) the masses have been subtly brainwashed for years. Manipulation with distortion and outright lies for years over the television. A corrupt and cowardly Congress passing laws that our Founders would have thought unfathomable in such a promising new County, the United States of America.

We are witnessing the oppression spreading throughout our Country. Just a few examples: The 10 Commandments in stone removed, removal of visible tributes to the Lord (not the least location the now completely government run public schools) and denying Believing students the freedom to pray as they need it. A witness in Court, with his left hand on the Bible, swearing to the the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth period. The 'so help me God' now removed. And deliberately ignoring the Bible and welcoming the wicked and perverted souls who rejoice their freedom to be deep in unashamed evil sin.

Legalizing murder of unborn babies from beginning to post 9 months. Legitimizing the unthinkable though spoken of clearly in Romans 1. Our Freedom of Speech is endangered, our born citizens rights are being watered down to something almost impossible to recognize.

Is this continuing and growing oppression because they hate you or me? Or do they hate other believers, or people who love God or at least honestly fear Him? Or do they hate God? God tells us is his word as above. (John 7:7)

Our rulers, in the midst of doing evil in the eyes of God, go forward declaring sodomoites and unnatural women as normal and just a lifestyle. This is one of the last BIGGEST BLOWS against God's Word.

And thanks to many denominations preaching those relationships as normal, these wicked people declare, in false bravatto, that Jesus accepts them and approves of their lives.

Surely Jesus died for them too. And yes, He did. But not in the way they think. They think all they have to do is believe Jesus died, sacrificing His life to give them a ticket to Heaven. To their minds they don't have to do anything. He did it all.

He died and shed His Godly blood so that people could repent and ask Jesus' forgiveness. But true to God's Word, hearts are hardened. And to help them along the devil has succeeded in rewriting God, editing God and having many books claiming to be the Bible. That's part of the deception in ecumenical-land.

I think they look at it sort of like Affirmative Action for Heaven. Well, I have bad news . . . no change that, God has bad news for them. That is NOT how it works. You can keep on believing it, that's your decision. But that's NOT what God says.

If you truly repent, you WILL change and the Holy Ghost will be with you guiding you. He does not push you to sin. His job is to let us know in special ways what we should or shouldn't do. Praise the Lord's salvation, once and for all, never ending. If you continue deep and unashamedly in your sin, you are definitely not indwelled with the Holy Ghost.

Know that, if you continue in your sin 100% and glory in it . . you are not saved. By claiming you believe in Jesus (difference from trusting in Jesus Christ) you are blaspheming Jesus. You are rejecting Him. You can believe in God till Kingdom Come. But you won't be in Heaven when you die.

I John 2:16
¶ Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

You can believe in Jesus, and believe what He did. But unless you repent, realize there is nothing you alone can do to get to Heaven then:

You need to recognize you are a sinner

  1. Repent in your heart;
  2. Ask Jesus for forgiveness;
  3. Trust in Him as your Saviour.

The immediate blessing is the indwelling by the Holy Ghost.

II Timothy 1:14
That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us.

Your continuing wicked life is total opposite of the Lord Jesus Christ. With true conversion you shed your old nature and become a new person. This is not an option. This is a blessing. You change and always for the better.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

It is my opinion that emptying all the closets is one of the biggest blows against God's Word. And America is not far from fitting in with Globalism. Our once fine, moral and God-fearing nation is but almost barely a memory. What a shame!

I don't know when the Lord Jesus will return and call up His flock. But only between now and then is there a chance to repent. It's a narrow road, but the only road available to Heaven.

Matthew 7:12,13
¶ Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

A Horrible Day In The Neighborhood

As a preface I must say I was pulled into this article word after word after word. Pat Boone is quite the writer. Please? Read this in full . .

OK, you've bought a house and moved into a new neighborhood. Actually, you used to live in this very area, but events caused you to move away, and now you're back. It's a nice, albeit modest, not fancy or highbrow neighborhood, and you're looking forward to really settling in and getting to know your neighbors.
But before you've even unpacked, you come to realize that your neighbors don't want you there. When they're unable to keep you from moving in, a violent zealot next door proclaims that he will never accept your presence, no matter what concessions you offer or what friendly overtures you make.
Across the street lives a real fanatic, known to make and throw bombs, who declares he hopes your entire extended family moves in – because that "will save us the trouble of going after them wherever they are worldwide."


Pat Boone's Article in Full

Saturday, 10 November 2007

Kyle Hoffman 17, Gone to Heaven

Ed came up our stairs, knocked on the door, opened it and said, "Pray for Kyle Jr., he's been in a car accident. We think it's bad." Of course we would and he said, "Thanks." and headed back down to their apartment. This was around 11 pm. Sunday, October 28th.

I prayed and waited. Finally I came back here and played my favourite game. Words were going through my head at warp speed. Finally, the Lord let me know that I needed to get downstairs. Around 12:30 a.m. as I walked down our stairs, I heard sobbing. I went back up half-way and told my son, "They're crying." And back down, tapped and opened the door.

Next thing I knew Marie was sobbing. She said, "The Doctors don't expect him to live past 8 more hours." Oh my heart . . She held on and I hugged her and her body shook as she cried. Then I saw my son next me tapping my shoulder. Marie saw him and turned to him. I walked over to be near Bonnie. She was on the phone and I just patted her shoulder. She was concentrating on the phone and couldn't raise her head.

They were gathering everything and getting ready pack up in the van to head out to Harper's Ferry WV. Kyle (and Chris) had called to tell Bonnie & Ed and Marie the bad news about Kyle Jr. Kyle Jr., the brother of Marie. Kyle was in the hospital. The next thing they heard was that he would not recover and was given about 8 hours to live.

Kyle is the second, and last, son to get into a vehicle accident. A brother he never knew, Joey, died almost 20 years ago. He was 6 or 7 and had exited his assigned school bus. I have no idea how long he waiting before he thought it was safe to cross.

But he decided it was and as he started walking across the road, the school bus started moving. The driver later claim that Joey couldn't be seen. That may be true. But I can't vouch for it. I have been in a Semi. And in the truck you are very high and can see. But school buses are not that high. And so Joey's little body was run over by his school bus.

My guess is that the driver didn't check across the street or on the side of the door. All I know is that a lot of safety rules came as a result, according to Ed & Bonnie (Papa & Grammy). And that poor driver has to live with that day forever.

After Joey was killed, that left his only sister Marie, around 3. Then after Joey's death, a couple of years later, after a successful vasectomy reversal, Chris became pregnant with Kyle Jr. In the aftermath of the loss of their first son, both Chris and Kyle Sr. became Believers. And they rejoiced at the impending birth of their second son. He was born on April 15, 1990. 

Kyle went into rebellion in mid-teens. But recently, he came back to the Lord for His fellowship. The Lord hadn't walked away, Kyle had. That is if he was saved before the rebellion . . If he got saved during his rebellion, then that started him changing, becoming a new creature. I only know the family is positive Kyle was saved.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. KJAV
And he fell in love with Andrea. She became pregnant and they both looked forward to the baby and he was taking it all very seriously. Their daughter is due around the end of January.

On Sunday night, Kyle was being driven home with his friend who had just bought a sports car. They live in WV which tends to be rather curvy with the mountains and all. Well the friend was really pushing the car and at 80 mph lost control heading into oncoming traffic. In a van was a driver who saw the car careening and swerved to avoid it. The van and car collided, but not directly head-on. The two passenger sides crunched together.

The driver of the sports car was killed instantly. Kyle was knocked unconscious (don't know the extent of other injuries). In the van was the driver, a Pastor, his wife and 9 year old daughter. The Pastor's wife is still in the hospital but will recover. The Pastor and his daughter were treated and released.

Kyle was rushed to ICU. Whatever else the Doctors and Nurses had to do, I don't know. But he was unresponsive and the Doctors said he may last another 8 hours. His family was present when he went home to Heaven. And his Fiance' was there as well. She is due in January or February '08.

Again. We didn't want to believe it. But again the Lord takes another son. Oh the hurt of merely thinking about it.

But this time Dad reacted much different. The pain doesn't lesson a second time. But this time Kyle Sr. had Jesus to carry him and his wife. They have gone as Missionaries to Chile twice. 

Philippians 4:17 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. KJAV

I never met Kyle Jr. But I got to know him through Bonnie & Ed talking about him as we've become close friends. And I've met Kyle Sr. and Chris. And I know Marie very well. Her two children are Leah (3) and Dakota (2). And I know Tanya, Bonnie's daughter and Ed's step-daughter. But Bonnie & Ed both brought up Tanya. And Tanya's very special daughter, Angel. She is very smart, very much an only children close to her Mom.
My son and I both shed tears and were so troubled. Then Marie called my son to let him know that Kyle Jr. had died. He told me when he came home from work Monday afternoon. I cried for I had so hoped for a miracle that was not meant to be. 

Please remember something so special. Say "I love you." everytime your loved one is going out somewhere or you are. Say it to your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter, your Mother or your Father. You never know. That may be that last thing you tell them and that's wonderful. I know.

Kyle Hoffman Jr.
Born April 15, 1990
Gone Home
October 29, 2007
2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. KJAV